5 reasons I love poetry and why you should read it

5 reasons I love poetry and why you should read it

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Ever since the pages of Spike Milligan fell into my hand as a child, I have enjoyed poetry. It is able to say so much in so few words and I think there’s a real beauty to that. Today I’m going to give you six reasons why you should read poetry because I know not everyone is a fan.

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Today’s post is inspired and sponsored by Kawtar Elmrabti, author of Thoughts Alight Poetry, a collection of thoughts crowned with passion, love, light, hope and kindness.

1. There will always be a poem out there somewhere that describes exactly how you are feeling

No matter what you are feeling, I guarantee there is a poetry book out there that makes you feel less alone. I love this about poetry, you can find a whole collection of poems that totally resonate with you and get it exactly right.

2. Poetry is really written from the heart

When you are reading poetry, you are reading someone’s raw and unedited feelings. A novel is, of course similar, but the shortness and urgency of poetry can often convey those feelings with so much more passion.

3. They are quicker reads to break up bulkier books

If you’re the type to read quite chunky books, a poetry book could be the perfect read to have a break and fall into something else.

5 reasons I love poetry and why you should read it

4. There are no rules or formats you have to follow

Kawtar Elmrabti does a perfect job of demonstrating that poetry prose can take whatever form you like. The lack of restrictions in poetry means it can explore even more creative paths and often can be woven into illustrations.

5. Everyone interprets it differently

I may read a book like Thoughts Alight Poetry and take one message from it, whereas you may read it and discover something else. The beauty of poetry is that we can all find out own meanings in it and resonate with it in our own personal way.

Kawtar’s beautiful poetry collection is described as:

A doorway to a secret garden is an inspirational and beaming dive to the thoughts of a passionate writer. Each chapter holds the symbol of a petal containing a multitude of thoughts crowned with passion, love, light, hope and kindness.

You can buy it now on Amazon.

5 reasons I love poetry and why you should read it






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  • Reply Stephen 10/04/2020 at 8:46 pm

    Great post, Beth. You are absolutely right on all five points! I’ve always liked poetry but don’t read it especially often. I do enjoy going to poetry events (recently saw the poet laureate for the second time) and I share some of my own poetry on my blog, mostly about books lol.

  • Reply Julianna Aislynn d'Merricksson 10/04/2020 at 11:32 pm

    Lovely post. I enjoy reading and writing poetry. Deciding to stay in a creative writing class after learning it was going to be a *poetry* writing class showed me I have a knack for it. It gave me a much greater appreciation.

  • Reply Ellie 11/04/2020 at 2:11 pm

    Great post! I totally agree – reading something short and emotive can be a great way to break up the time between lengthier books. I’ve also recently shared some of my favourite short stories on my blog, if you fancy a read https://onelliesbookshelf.wordpress.com/2020/04/10/3-short-stories-to-read-when-you-cant-concentrate/
    I love mixing up what I’m reading (especially when it’s harder to concentrate on something really long!)

  • Reply Connie 11/04/2020 at 5:17 pm

    Wonderful post, Beth! I really enjoy poetry ☺️

  • Reply tonyalee 13/04/2020 at 12:31 pm

    For the longest time, I didn’t like poetry because I didn’t GET IT. It took a long time to get that I am not supposed to GET IT, I am supposed to FEEL IT. I need to find a few more Poetry books.

    Tonyalee @ http://vivaciousbibliophile.com

  • Reply Leon Stevens 09/06/2020 at 8:04 pm

    Out of the five points that you made, my favorites are… All of them! I think that #1 is the reason people seek out poems and #4 is why I write it.


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